Discover Dudipatsar Lake: Hiking Adventures in Naran Kaghan

Dudipatsar Lake

Nestled deep within the heart of Kaghan Valley, Dudipatsar Lake, often dubbed the “Queen of Lakes,” stands as a testament to nature’s breathtaking beauty. Its crystal-clear waters, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and lush green meadows, make it one of the most enchanting destinations in Pakistan.

This detailed account chronicles our journey to Dudipatsar Lake, offering insights into the travel routes, hiking trails, and the mesmerizing scenery that awaits those who venture to this hidden gem.

Starting Point: Abbottabad
Our adventure began in the bustling city of Abbottabad in July. This time of year is ideal for such expeditions, as the weather is pleasant and the roads are more navigable.

We decided to embark on our journey at night, a strategic choice to circumvent the heavy traffic that characterizes the tourist season. Night travel offers the dual benefits of quieter roads and cooler temperatures, but it requires careful planning to ensure safety.

Nighttime Journey to Naran

Nighttime Journey to Naran
Leaving Abbottabad under the cover of darkness, we embarked on a serene nighttime drive. The quiet of the night, punctuated only by the hum of our vehicle, set the stage for the adventure ahead.

Traveling at night has its advantages, especially during the peak tourist season. The roads, usually choked with traffic during the day, are relatively free, allowing for smoother and faster travel. However, it’s crucial to avoid traveling too late at night to ensure a safe journey.

Arrival in Naran: The Heart of Kaghan Valley
As dawn approached, we arrived in Naran, a vibrant town often referred to as the heart of Kaghan Valley. Naran serves as a gateway to many of the region’s most stunning natural attractions, including Dudipatsar Lake.

Naran, a vibrant town often referred to as the heart of Kaghan Valley

During the peak tourist season, Naran is abuzz with activity, and finding accommodation can be challenging. Every hotel in Naran was fully booked, reflecting the town’s popularity among travelers. As a result, we spent the night in our car, a common scenario for many visitors during the busy season. Despite the lack of available rooms, the mild summer weather made it manageable.

The Road to Besal
After a short rest in Naran, we resumed our journey at dawn, heading towards Besal. Besal is the last accessible point by car before the hiking trail to Dudipatsar Lake begins. The road from Naran to Besal is a marvel in itself.

The road from Naran to Besal is a marvel in itself.

Often, it is said that the true beauty of Naran begins once you leave the town behind, and this proved to be true. The landscape transformed dramatically, with expansive valleys, verdant forests, and cascading waterfalls coming into view.

Scenic Route and Road Conditions
The road to Besal is well-maintained, allowing travelers to drive any type of vehicle comfortably. This journey is not just a means to an end; it is an experience in itself. As we drove, we were treated to the sight of towering mountains, glacial streams, and dense forests. The air was crisp, and the scenery was nothing short of spectacular.

Besal: The Starting Point for the Hike
Upon reaching Besal, we were struck by how much the area had developed since our previous visit in 2013. What was once a solitary hotel had blossomed into a small town, complete with multiple accommodations and dining options.

One of the enduring traditions of this area is the famous bean dal, a favorite among hikers and mountaineers. We made sure to savor this local delicacy before setting off on our hike.

The Hike to Dudipatsar Lake
Leaving our car in Besal, we began the hike to Dudipatsar Lake. The journey starts with crossing the river using a traditional wooden cable car, adding a touch of adventure right from the outset.

Crossing the river using a traditional wooden cable car

The hike itself is approximately 18 kilometers long, with the first 7 to 8 kilometers being particularly challenging.

Initial Ascent: The Toughest Part
The initial segment of the hike involves steep ascents and descents, making it a rigorous trek. This part of the trail takes hikers from an elevation of 10,000 feet to around 12,000 feet. Along the way, we encountered several glaciers.

It is essential to be extremely cautious when crossing these glaciers, as they can be treacherous. Sticking to the established paths and avoiding shortcuts is crucial for safety, especially since rescue services are virtually non-existent in this remote area.

The Beauty of Parbi Nar
After navigating the challenging first segment, we entered the breathtaking Parbi Nar Valley. This valley, stretching about 7 to 8 kilometers, is a lush expanse of greenery adorned with wildflowers.

The vibrant contrast between the green meadows and the icy blue waters of the streams, fed by the surrounding glaciers, creates a picturesque scene. Despite the physical exertion, the natural beauty of Parbi Nar invigorated us, making the hike feel less strenuous.

Camping at Parbi Nar
Reaching the camping site at Parbi Nar, we were greeted by a small settlement of tents set up by the local Gujjar community. These nomadic herders provide basic facilities for trekkers, including tents and simple meals.

Given the area’s remoteness and the lack of modern amenities, these facilities are a welcome relief for weary hikers.

Safety and Precautions
It’s important to note that while Parbi Nar is stunningly beautiful, it can also be risky. The area is known for its remoteness, and there have been incidents involving local wildlife and occasional criminal activity. Therefore, it is advisable to camp near the established settlements and avoid hiking alone, especially at night.

The Final Ascent to Dudipatsar Lake
Early the next morning, we resumed our hike towards Dudipatsar Lake. The final leg of the journey is relatively less strenuous but equally enchanting. Hiking through the lush meadows, we were accompanied by the sound of flowing streams and the sight of colorful flowers.

Dawn at Dudipatsar Lake
We reached Dudipatsar Lake at dawn, just as the first rays of sunlight were touching the water. The sight was nothing short of magical. The lake’s surface was a mirror, reflecting the surrounding snow-capped peaks and the vibrant sky. This serene and pristine environment was the reward for our arduous journey.

The Enchanting Beauty of Dudipatsar Lake
Dudipatsar Lake is renowned for its breathtaking beauty. The lake, fed by glacial waters, boasts a stunning azure hue. Surrounded by towering peaks, some of which remain snow-covered even in summer, the lake creates a surreal landscape. The tranquility of the lake, combined with the stunning reflections on its surface, makes it a perfect spot for photography and relaxation.

The Flora and Fauna
The area around Dudipatsar Lake is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna. The meadows are dotted with wildflowers, including species unique to this region. Wildlife such as marmots, ibex, and various bird species can be spotted around the lake. The presence of such rich biodiversity adds to the lake’s allure.

Reflection and Return
After spending a few hours soaking in the beauty of Dudipatsar Lake, we reluctantly began our return journey. The descent was much quicker, but it gave us another opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

The hike back to Besal was filled with reflections on the unforgettable experience and the serene landscapes we had encountered.

Practical Tips for Future Travelers
For those planning a trip to Dudipatsar Lake, here are a few practical tips:

  • Travel Timing: Traveling at night can help avoid traffic, but ensure you start early enough to avoid traveling too late.
  • Accommodation: Book accommodations in advance, especially during the peak season, to avoid spending the night in your vehicle.
  • Preparation: Carry essential hiking gear, including sturdy shoes, warm clothing, and a first aid kit.
  • Safety: Stick to established paths and avoid taking shortcuts, especially on glaciers.
  • Local Cuisine: Don’t miss out on trying the local bean dal in Besal.

Dudipatsar Lake is truly a hidden gem in the Kaghan Valley. Its breathtaking beauty, combined with the adventure of reaching it, makes it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

Our journey to this enchanting lake was filled with challenges, but the reward at the end made every step worthwhile. Dudipatsar Lake is not just a destination; it’s an experience that stays with you long after you’ve left its serene shores


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