11 People Drown as Rainwater Enters Basement in Kohat

Kohat, Flooding, Rainwater, Basement, Tragedy, Storm, Rescue, Missing Person, Dara Region, Disaster

In a devastating incident in the Dara region of Kohat, 11 people have tragically lost their lives, and four more are reported missing following a severe flood. The flooding occurred when heavy rainwater entered a residential basement late at night.

The affected area, located in the remote Dam Khel region of Kohat, was struck by a powerful storm that caused the basement, where several individuals were sleeping to escape the heat, to fill with water. There are concerns that the flooding might have been exacerbated by an electrical short circuit, although investigations are ongoing.

Rescue teams have successfully recovered all the bodies from the site, but efforts are still underway to locate one missing person. The fatalities include six adults and two children, with the search for the remaining missing individual continuing.

The local authorities are actively investigating the situation and have yet to determine the exact cause of the disaster. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.


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