Government Approves Rs60 Billion for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam to Combat Terrorism


The Pakistani government has approved an additional Rs60 billion in funding for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, aimed at enhancing the military’s capability to fight against militants in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The decision, made by the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the cabinet on Thursday, includes the immediate release of Rs20 billion, with the remaining Rs40 billion to be disbursed in the second half of the fiscal year 2024-25.

According to an official announcement by the Ministry of Finance, the Rs20 billion allocation is part of a special fund for the current fiscal year. The additional funds will be used to procure advanced military equipment, crucial for the ongoing counter-terrorism operations. The ECC’s decision follows the Federal Apex Committee’s directive from June 2024, which emphasized the need for enhanced military capabilities to tackle the growing threat of terrorism in the region.

An official from the Ministry of Finance explained that the remaining Rs40 billion will be provided based on procurement needs, ensuring that the military is well-equipped to confront terrorists who have access to advanced technology and weaponry, particularly those left behind by US forces in the region. The funds are over and above the regular military budget and are crucial for Pakistan’s efforts to maintain security and stability.

In addition to the military funding, the ECC, under the leadership of Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb, also approved the export of an additional 100,000 metric tons of sugar, bringing the total export quantity to 250,000 tons. The decision, made under the watch of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, delinks the export from maintaining local sugar prices at Rs140 per kg, a move that could potentially allow sugar millers to benefit from both export proceeds and higher domestic prices.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam is a critical part of Pakistan’s strategy to eliminate terrorism from its soil, with ongoing efforts focused on flushing out militants from areas where they have established strongholds. The government’s swift approval of additional funds underscores its commitment to bolstering the military’s capacity to ensure the security of the nation.


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