Former President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi Has Returned to His Dental Practice at Alvi Dental Hospital


Former President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi has returned to his dental practice at Alvi Dental Hospital, marking his transition from the highest office in the country back to his original vocation.

Dr. Alvi, who has over 55 years of experience in dentistry, is now regularly engaged in consultations and treatments, bringing his wealth of knowledge back to the dental community.

His son, Awab Alvi, expressed immense pride and joy in welcoming his father back to the family clinic, sharing a picture of Dr. Alvi attending to a patient.

The image showcases Dr. Alvi’s seamless return to his professional duties, signifying his enduring commitment to dentistry.

Prior to his presidency, Dr. Alvi had dedicated his life to the field of dentistry, making significant contributions and establishing a reputable practice.

His return to the dental field, after serving as Pakistan’s president for five years, underscores his lifelong passion for the profession.


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