Imran Khan Announces Strict Policy on Return of PTI Leaders Who Left During Crisis


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and former prime minister Imran Khan announced on Friday a firm policy regarding the return of party leaders who abandoned PTI during its recent turbulent times. Speaking to journalists from Adiala Jail, where he is currently detained, Khan made it clear that those who deserted the party during its most challenging period would not be welcomed back.

“Let me make it clear, those who left the party during difficult times have no place in the party,” Imran Khan stated, reflecting on the loyalty of party members during adversity. He acknowledged that some members faced significant hardships, including torture, blackmail, and threats to their families and homes, but emphasized that those who remained steadfast would be prioritized.

Without naming anyone, Khan expressed his disappointment with individuals who had supported PTI during its successful periods but abandoned the party when challenges arose. “I won’t take any names, but I know exactly who left the party during tough times. Those who acted as ‘Charlies’ in good times abandoned us in bad times. There is no place in the party for those who left during difficult times,” he declared.

The former prime minister also indicated that a careful review would be conducted to decide the fate of those who went underground during the crisis but still endured significant hardships and torture. “A better decision will be made for all those who went underground during difficult times and endured hardships and torture,” he said.

Imran Khan also voiced his frustration over the treatment he has received while in custody, highlighting that he has been denied a fair trial and basic rights. “A fair trial is my right, but here the principles of a fair trial are being trampled upon. Party leaders and lawyers are not allowed to meet me, and for the third week now, I have not even been allowed to speak to my children on the phone,” Khan lamented.

Khan’s statements signal a tough stance on loyalty within PTI as the party navigates through its current challenges, indicating a potential reshuffling of leadership based on commitment and resilience during the party’s recent crises.


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