Imran Khan Offers Conditional Apology for May 9 Violence, Calls for Release of CCTV Footage


Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has offered a conditional apology for the widespread protests and violence that occurred on May 9, 2023. During an informal conversation with journalists, Khan called for the release of CCTV footage to verify the involvement of PTI members in the incidents.

“If any PTI members are found guilty of participating in the events of May 9, I will apologise, expel them from the party, and ensure they face punishment,” Imran stated.

“I was dragged by the Rangers, yet there seems to be no respect for Pakistan’s most popular figure, both nationally and internationally. Don’t I deserve an apology as well?” he remarked, referring to his own treatment during the protests.

The statement reflects ongoing tensions between the PTI and state authorities, as the PTI founder continues to challenge the official narrative surrounding the May 9 incidents. The call for transparency and accountability is expected to stir further political debate in Pakistan.

Earlier, Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), reaffirmed the military’s unwavering stance on the violent protests of May 9. He reiterated that those involved in the riots must be held accountable.

This development is likely to fuel further discourse on the political landscape of Pakistan, with implications for both PTI and state institutions.


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