Major Roads in Islamabad and Rawalpindi Blocked Amid PTI and JI Protest


Key roads in Islamabad and Rawalpindi were blocked with containers Saturday as part of the protest call given by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Jamaat-e-Islami.

That meant a greater mass of public attention and participation to the protest called against burning political and social issues.

The authorities put innumerable containers at every strategic point to control the huge crowds that had been anticipated and to ensure that nothing untoward happened.

However, these blockades rendered daily commuting simply excruciating, as long traffic jams were witnessed and caused much hassle for the people.

Both PTI and JI leaders said that immediate reforms and improved governance should be ensured, and the government should act swiftly in view of their demands.

Speeches after speech made it plain clear that there were growing concerns about economic instability, corruption, and the need for electoral reforms.

Law enforcers were too heavy on the ground; this kept the protest peaceful, but the immense roadblocks were indicative of both the protesters’ determination and the authorities’ efforts to maintain order.


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