Pakistan Strongly Condemns Attack on Consulate in Germany


Key points:

  • Pakistan condemned an attack on its consulate in Frankfurt by Afghan nationals.
  • The Foreign Office criticized German authorities for failing to protect the consulate.
  • Pakistan urged Germany to arrest and prosecute those involved in the incident.
  • German authorities have assured a thorough investigation and arrested several suspects.

Pakistan on Sunday strongly condemned an attack by a gang of extremists on its consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, and criticized the German authorities for failing to protect the premises and its consular mission’s security.

The Foreign Office’s statement followed an incident where a group of Afghan nationals vandalized and attacked the Pakistani consulate, pelting stones at the building and removing the country’s flag. The statement highlighted that under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, it is the host government’s responsibility to protect diplomatic premises and ensure the security of diplomats.

“We are conveying our strong protest to the German government and urge them to take immediate measures to fulfill their responsibilities under the Vienna Conventions,” the Foreign Office said.

Pakistan has called on German authorities to swiftly arrest and prosecute those involved in the attack and to hold accountable those responsible for the security lapses.

A video of the incident went viral on the internet, showing Afghan nationals storming the Pakistani consulate and reportedly attempting to burn the Pakistani flag. The attack has drawn significant international attention, raising concerns about the security of diplomatic installations.

German authorities in Frankfurt have assured Pakistani officials of a thorough investigation. Several individuals have been arrested and are being investigated following the viral video of the incident.


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