PTI Announces Hunger Strike Against Arrests and Raids


In response to the arrests, raids, and cases against its leaders and workers, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has decided to undertake a hunger strike. The PTI members of parliament will observe a symbolic hunger strike today to protest against these actions.

The PTI has announced that a hunger strike camp will be set up in front of the Parliament House at 3 PM today. The camp will be led by the opposition leader, Umar Ayub. This move comes as a reaction to what PTI claims are unfair arrests and cases against their party members.

The decision for the hunger strike aims to draw attention to the alleged misuse of power and to call for fair treatment of PTI members. The party’s parliamentary members will participate in the symbolic hunger strike, making their stance clear against the ongoing crackdown on their workers.

As the situation develops, PTI’s leadership and workers are preparing to voice their dissent through this hunger strike, hoping to bring national and international attention to their cause.


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