U.S. Welcomes Bangladesh Interim Government, Urges Calm

U.S., Bangladesh, interim government, Prime Minister resignation, human rights, violence, accountability, refugee aid, protests, political unrest

In a statement issued earlier today, the United States has expressed deep concern over the recent political upheaval in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Hina has officially resigned from her position and left the country amid escalating unrest. The U.S. government is closely monitoring the situation and has reiterated its support for the Bangladeshi people.

The United States calls for all parties involved to avoid further violence, stressing that too many lives have been lost over recent weeks. The statement emphasizes the need for calm and restraint in the days ahead. The U.S. welcomes the formation of an interim government but insists that any transition must adhere to Bangladesh’s legal framework.

“We are deeply saddened by the recent reports of human rights abuses, casualties, and injuries,” the statement read. “We extend our heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones and to those who are suffering. Our focus now is on supporting an end to the violence and ensuring accountability for the recent deaths.”

The U.S. underscores the importance of democratic principles, rule of law, and respect for the will of the Bangladeshi people in shaping the interim government’s decisions. The statement calls for full and transparent investigations into the recent violence to ensure accountability.

In terms of humanitarian aid, the U.S. has provided approximately $2 billion to assist refugees in Bangladesh. While the statement does not immediately address how the recent government change might impact these programs, it is hoped that aid efforts will continue unaffected.


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